CMHA Ontario joined with three other provincial stakeholder organizations in endorsing key strategies to address ER wait times. These strategies, as well as corresponding recommended actions, were outlined in a letter sent to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care David Caplan. (September, 2009) September 15, 2009 The Honourable David Caplan Minister of Health and […]Continue readingLetter on ER Wait Times
Health Systems Transformation
Response to the Discussion Document ‘Every Door is the Right Door: Towards a 10-Year Mental Health and Addictions Strategy’
CMHA Ontario provides feedback for the discussion paper, “Every Door is the Right Door: Towards a 10-Year Mental Health and Addiction Strategy.” The desired future state of a new mental health and addictions strategy for Ontario is an integrated, person-centred mental health and addiction services system. The transformation needed from today’s organizational structures and relationships […]Continue readingResponse to the Discussion Document ‘Every Door is the Right Door: Towards a 10-Year Mental Health and Addictions Strategy’
Talking Points: A New Mental Health and Addictions Strategy for Ontario
CMHA Ontario identifies key issues that should be addressed to inform the development of Ontario’s new mental health and addictions strategy. (June, 2009) The provincial government is developing a new strategy for mental health and addictions in Ontario. Policy makers are consulting with stakeholders across the province. CMHA Ontario has developed key messages to inform […]Continue readingTalking Points: A New Mental Health and Addictions Strategy for Ontario
CMHA Ontario Submission to the Select Committee on Mental Health and Addictions, Legislative Assembly of Ontario
CMHA Ontario’s May 2009 presentation to the Select Committee on Mental Health and Addictions. (June, 2009) Presented by Lorne Zon, Chief Executive Officer, and Michelle Gold, Senior Director, Policy and Programs Mental health and mental illness are complex issues. They cannot be addressed by focusing on one or two solutions. Provincial efforts require comprehensive directions […]Continue readingCMHA Ontario Submission to the Select Committee on Mental Health and Addictions, Legislative Assembly of Ontario
Environmental Scan: National Snapshot of Community Mental Health Services in the Context of Regionalization
The introduction of the Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) in Ontario has changed the landscape for planning and delivery of community mental health services and supports. Although Ontario’s approach is unique, there is much that can be learned from 15 years of experience of regionalization in other provinces. This paper provides a snapshot of the […]Continue readingEnvironmental Scan: National Snapshot of Community Mental Health Services in the Context of Regionalization
Submission to the Mental Health Commission of Canada Regarding “Toward Recovery and Well-Being: A Framework for a Mental Health Strategy for Canada”
CMHA Ontario is pleased with the overall direction of the framework. The focus on recovery, mental health promotion, accessibility and responsiveness, evidence-based practice and research, and reducing discrimination are very important. We also support the development of a broadly-based social movement that will support the achievement of these goals. This submission offers comments about the […]Continue readingSubmission to the Mental Health Commission of Canada Regarding “Toward Recovery and Well-Being: A Framework for a Mental Health Strategy for Canada”
Submission to eHealth Ontario, Regarding Feedback on Ontario’s eHealth Strategy, 2009-2012
CMHA Ontario supports the development of an eHealth Strategy that will improve health care for all Ontarians. We are pleased to see significant investments in eHealth to advance the Strategy toward its goal of achieving a province-wide, comprehensive electronic health record by 2015. (February, 2009) The Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario (CMHA Ontario) welcomes the […]Continue readingSubmission to eHealth Ontario, Regarding Feedback on Ontario’s eHealth Strategy, 2009-2012
Mental Health Promotion in Ontario: A Call to Action
There is a strong evidence with respect to the factors that promote positive mental health. The three most significant determinants of mental health are social inclusion, freedom from discrimination and violence, and access to economic resources. Mental health promotion involves shared responsibility, requiring the active participation of many sectors, including and beyond health. (November, 2008) […]Continue readingMental Health Promotion in Ontario: A Call to Action
Submission to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Regarding Changes to Dispensing under the Ontario Drug Benefits Program
Submission to the MOHLTC regarding amendments to O.Reg.201/96 under the Ontario Drug Benefit Act, which limit the payment of dispensing fees by the Ontario government to pharmacists for medications covered under the Ontario Drug Benefit Program. (August, 2008) Helen Stevenson, Executive Officer Ontario Public Drug Programs Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Hepburn Block, 9th Floor […]Continue readingSubmission to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Regarding Changes to Dispensing under the Ontario Drug Benefits Program
Submission to the Standing Committee on Social Policy, Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Regarding Review of the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004
CMHA Ontario submission to the Standing Committee on Social Policy regarding the review of the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA). Our submission addresses: consent; redefining family members under PHIPA; the circle of care and community-based services and supports; collection of personal health information by police officers; fees for accessing personal health records; and electronic health records. […]Continue readingSubmission to the Standing Committee on Social Policy, Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Regarding Review of the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004