Through Open Minds, Healthy Minds: Ontario’s Comprehensive Mental Health and Addictions Strategy, the provincial government has made mental health a priority. The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Ontario commends the provincial government for its ongoing investments and continued leadership in the implementation of this strategy, which includes a 10-year commitment to meeting the mental health […]Continue readingCMHA Ontario 2016 Pre-Budget Submission
Income Support
CMHA Ontario 2015 Pre-Budget Submission
The pre-budget submission from Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario asks the provincial government for appropriate investment in three key areas: Affordable Housing Income Security, Access to Education And Employment Supports Increasing Access to a Core Basket of Services Investments in these key areas align with the strategic pillars of the second phase of Open Minds, […]Continue readingCMHA Ontario 2015 Pre-Budget Submission
CMHA Ontario 2014 Pre-Budget Submission
One in three Canadians experience a mental health issue within their lifetime. Currently, more than 6.7 million people are living with a mental health condition in Canada. Mental health conditions occur across the life span, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation or any other social location. More than 28% of people aged 20-29 experience a […]Continue readingCMHA Ontario 2014 Pre-Budget Submission
Improving Ontario’s Social Assistance System – Response to: “Discussion Paper 2: Approaches for Reform”
A submission from Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario providing feedback to the Commission for the Review of Social Assistance in Ontario on their second discussion paper, Approaches for Reform. (March, 2012) The Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario (CMHA Ontario) is a not for profit provincial organization committed to improving services and support for individuals with mental […]Continue readingImproving Ontario’s Social Assistance System – Response to: “Discussion Paper 2: Approaches for Reform”
Improving Ontario’s Social Assistance System – Response to: “A Discussion Paper: Issues and Ideas”
A joint submission from Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario and Schizophrenia Society of Ontario, in response to “A Discussion Paper: Issues and Ideas”. (August, 2011) Executive Summary Poverty is a reality for persons with mental health disabilities, many of whom rely on Ontario’s social assistance programs, Ontario Works (OW) and Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). […]Continue readingImproving Ontario’s Social Assistance System – Response to: “A Discussion Paper: Issues and Ideas”
Strategies for Reducing Poverty in Ontario
Poverty has a devastating impact on quality of life and compromises one’s ability to secure stabilizing resources needed to maintain positive mental health. Moreso, people with serious mental illness are disproportionately affected by poverty. In this report CMHA Ontario recommends a comprehensive and coordinated set of strategies to address poverty and support the recovery of […]Continue readingStrategies for Reducing Poverty in Ontario
Poverty and Mental Illness
People with mental illness often live in chronic poverty. Conversely, poverty can be a significant risk factor for poor physical and mental health. The relationship between poverty and mental illness is both straightforward and complex. Understanding this broader context is key to addressing poverty in order to promote mental health and support the recovery of […]Continue readingPoverty and Mental Illness