Mental Health Works helps organizations to manage their duty to accommodate employees experiencing mental disabilities such as depression or anxiety in the workplace.
Job seekers can also access the employment programs offered by The Ontario Disability Support Program. You do not have to be a social assistant recipient to qualify for assistance.
The Working in Mental Health website asks as an on-line career resource center to connect you to jobs in the mental health sector.
The Canadian Association for Supported Employment is a national association of community-based service providers and stakeholders who are active and invested in Employment for Persons with disabilities.
Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR) Réadaptation Psychosociale (RPS) Canada is an association of individuals and organizations committed to the provision and growth of psychosocial rehabilitation services to support the recovery of persons with serious mental health issues.
The Ontario Disability Employment Network (ODEN) is a professional body of employment service providers and other interested stakeholders united to increase employment opportunities for people who have a disability. CMHA Ontario is a member.