The Housing, Health and Justice Community of Interest (COI) is conducting a scan of housing programs across Ontario and is asking for feedback. The COI has created a brief survey for individuals with diagnosed or undiagnosed mental health and/or addictions issues who have been in correctional custody for any length of time. The survey allows them […]Continue readingHousing, Health and Justice community of interest seeks feedback
EENet News
Learn about the Ontario Perception of Care Tool for Mental Health and Addictions
Join the second webinar in the Ontario Drug Treatment Funding Program (DTFP) series and learn about how the Ontario Perception of Care Tool for Mental Health and Addictions (OPOC-MHA) will impact your programs and clients. This webinar will take place on Friday, Jan. 29, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. For more information and registration details go […]Continue readingLearn about the Ontario Perception of Care Tool for Mental Health and Addictions
Free webinar for nurses and other health-care professionals
This webinar will provide: a foundational overview on opioids information on use, treatment, and overdose prevention a harm reduction strategy focusing on reducing overdose deaths through the use of naloxone programs in Oxford County Date: Dec. 14 Time: 11 a.m. to noon Presenter: Lori Naylor, RSW, Lisa Gillespie, PHN, Oxford County To register, visit the […]Continue readingFree webinar for nurses and other health-care professionals
Empowering youth transitions: TIP in Hamilton
Hamilton is addressing the needs of local youth with mental health and/or addiction issues as they move from youth to adult services. To do this, community members participating in Ontario’s System Improvement through Service Collaboratives (SISC) initiative selected the Transition to Independence (TIP) intervention. The SISC initiative is supported by the Centre for Addiction and […]Continue readingEmpowering youth transitions: TIP in Hamilton
New staged screening and assessment process for addictions
Watch the first webinar in the Health Canada Drug Treatment Funding Program (DTFP) Ontario webinar series. This webinar provides: An overview of the evidence-based staged screening and assessment process and the new tools; A look at the reports that will be generated by the electronic administration of the assessment tool; An update on the implementation […]Continue readingNew staged screening and assessment process for addictions
Closing gaps in integrated care: Brain injury in the complex client with addictions and mental health issues
Join the next EENet webinar and learn about: The prevalence of brain injury in mental health and addictions settings. How brain injury is related to complex care needs. How existing service structures may reduce access to care. Opportunities for capacity building to better understand and accommodate the needs of people living with brain injury. To […]Continue readingClosing gaps in integrated care: Brain injury in the complex client with addictions and mental health issues
Video showcases success of Durham collaborative planning process
The Durham Collaborative Planning Process helps local children, youth, and families who are not receiving the services they need. The process was developed by the Durham Service Collaborative, which is part of Ontario’s Systems Improvement through Service Collaborative initiative. The Durham Collaborative brought together over 25 agencies from six sectors to improve the mental health and […]Continue readingVideo showcases success of Durham collaborative planning process
New transition-age youth community of practice on EENet Connect
EENet Connect is introducing a new collaborative space to discuss the topic of transition-age youth (TAY) and share resources. This online space is meant to facilitate the sharing of TAY-related information and events, and connect those who are working with TAY and/or attempting to improve transitions between child services and adult services within the mental health […]Continue readingNew transition-age youth community of practice on EENet Connect
Improving Quality, Efficiency, and Effectiveness of Health Interventions
Two international experts in the fields of improvement science and implementation science discussed they use these approaches in their work. Their keynote presentation, made on Oct. 15, was hosted by the Provincial System Support Program at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. In the past several years, there’s been increased focus on improving the quality, […]Continue readingImproving Quality, Efficiency, and Effectiveness of Health Interventions
Get support for your community of interest
EENet is currently seeking applications from communities of interest to enhance their work and improve Ontario’s mental health and addictions system. The application deadline is Nov. 13. Each successful community of interest will receive various in-kind supports, including opportunities to participate at in-person and virtual knowledge exchange events and a partnership with an EENet knowledge broker. […]Continue readingGet support for your community of interest