The British Columbia Society of Transition Houses is seeking input for a national scan on violence against women (VAW), mental wellness and substance use. The organization is interested in learning more about programs and services for women who have experience of violence, mental health issues and/or substance use. The scan will explore service delivery models; […]Continue readingNational scan on violence against women, mental wellness and substance use
PSR/RPS Canada accepting conference and research bursary proposals
Psychosocial Rehabilitation Canada (PSR/RPS Canada) is currently planning its 2011 conference, Enhancing Recovery: Family, Culture and Community, to take place September 26-29, 2011 in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. The planning committee is now accepting proposals for interactive presentations from individuals/families, programs and agencies (including clubhouse, social enterprise and First Nations communities). Submission deadline is February […]Continue readingPSR/RPS Canada accepting conference and research bursary proposals
Provincial HSJCC seeks executive coordinator
The Provincial Human Services and Justice Coordinating Committee (HSJCC) is looking for an executive coordinator to assist the work of the committee. Regional and local HSJCCs coordinate resources and services, and plan more effectively for people with special needs who are in conflict with the law. The Provincial HSJCC, consisting of regional chairs and government […]Continue readingProvincial HSJCC seeks executive coordinator
Post-doctoral fellowship in health equity call for applications
Applications are currently being accepted for the 2011-2013 post-doctoral fellowships in health equity at the Centre for Research in Inner City Health (CRICH) at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. The ACHIEVE Research Partnership, a CIHR strategic training initiative in health research, aims to provide new researchers with skills and knowledge about measuring and reducing health […]Continue readingPost-doctoral fellowship in health equity call for applications
SSO requests input on new strategic plan
In the process of developing a new strategic plan, the Schizophrenia Society of Ontario (SSO) is asking interested groups and individuals to complete a brief confidential survey to help inform the organization’s priorities for the next few years. The survey will gather the opinions of key stakeholders to help guide SSO during its strategic planning […]Continue readingSSO requests input on new strategic plan
Community Health Ontario partnership announced
Community Health Ontario (CHO) is a new strategic partnership between the Association of Ontario Health Centres, the Ontario Community Support Association, and the Ontario Federation of Community Mental Health and Addictions Programs. The three organizations represent the majority of the not-for-profit home and community support, mental health and addictions and community-governed primary health care providers […]Continue readingCommunity Health Ontario partnership announced
Working with older adults with mental health and substance use issues
A one-day community-based training session designed to improve service provider knowledge, comfort and skill in responding to mental health and substance use issues among older adults will take place January 14, 2011. The event aims to improve community capacity to respond to mental health and substance use issues among older adults. The full-day session will […]Continue readingWorking with older adults with mental health and substance use issues
Creating Together update
The OMHAKEN Coordinating Centre would like to thank all those who participated in the Creating Together: Developing a Mental Health and Addictions Research Agenda for Ontario online survey, as well as the in-person and Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) consultations that took place across the province. The online survey closed with an overwhelming 1431 responses from […]Continue readingCreating Together update
CMHA National announces new CEO
Canadian Mental Health Association, National Office Board Chair David Copus recently announced the appointment of Peter Coleridge as the new CMHA National chief executive officer (CEO) effective December 1, 2010. In making the announcement Mr. Copus said: “I am delighted that Peter is joining CMHA. He brings a very distinguished career to this position, with […]Continue readingCMHA National announces new CEO
Ontario physicians positive about use of electronic medical records
In 2008, OntarioMD and eHealth Ontario commissioned an independent evaluation of physicians who were participating in the Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Adoption Program. Recently released 2010 results for the ongoing survey showed that the majority of physicians that completed the survey reported that EMRs enable them to improve patient care outcomes. In general, physicians reported […]Continue readingOntario physicians positive about use of electronic medical records