Creating Together: Developing a Mental Health and Addictions Research Agenda for Ontario is a six-month province-wide process to bring researchers and diverse stakeholders of mental health and addictions research together to co-create a research agenda. Its new website is now accessible at
The website provides interested readers with background information about the goals of the project, the consultation process and the results expected. In that process, invited stakeholders (including consumer/survivors, their family members, service providers, clinicians, policy-makers, government staff and researchers) will comment on a draft agenda for health services/systems and population/public health research. Consultations with researchers and other stakeholders over the summer months will be done in person, via the Ontario Telemedicine Network and through the Internet.
The site provides links to the websites of organizations that have agreed to use the results of the process to influence their own research activities in some way (called Co-Sponsors) and those that are supporting Creating Together in various ways (Supporters).
Updates will be posted to the website as the Creating Together process moves forward. Release of the final collaborative research agenda is expected in the early fall.
For more information, please contact Nandini Saxena, Communications Associate, at or 416-535-8501 ext. 6465.