Community Care Information Management (CCIM) is working with four Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) to create a data-sharing portal for mental health service providers. The project, titled “Doorways: Strengthening Connections between Providers and Clients,” is being led by the North East LHIN, with participation by the North West, Champlain and North Simcoe Muskoka LHINs.
The Doorways project builds on CCIM’s new provincial Integrated Assessment Record (IAR), which was piloted in the Erie St. Clair and Central West LHINs. The IAR provides a secure portal that brings together assessment data from both the Ontario Common Assessment of Need (OCAN) and the Resident Assessment Instrument–Mental Health (RAI-MH). By combining information from both in-patient and community care settings, the portal provides a secure, single point of access to help service providers improve continuity of care.
See “Four LHINs Partner on Mental Health Pilot Project,” Connections, Summer 2010, at