Ontario’s four specialty mental health hospitals: The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences (Ontario Shores), Royal Ottawa Mental Health Group (The Royal) and Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care (Waypoint) launched the Mental Health and Addictions Quality Initiative (MHAQI) at the Ontario Hospital Association’s HealthAchieve conference. The MHAQI provides quality indicators for mental health care facilities to provide increased transparency, accountability and consistency in public reporting.
These indicators were developed in response to the hospitals’ growing awareness of the need for performance indicators that are specific to mental health. The mental health indicators asses performance in key areas including client complexity, client outcomes, client access, staff safety, human resources, fiscal responsibility and client safety.
Data for the indicators will be collected through the Canadian Institute for Health Information’s (CIHI) Ontario Mental Health Reporting System.
You can read the press release on this new initiative at www.newswire.ca. To view the Mental Health and Addictions Quality Initiative Scorecard, go to www.ontarioshores.ca.