Employee mental health has a huge impact on the bottom line of companies. The Mental Health Commission of Canada estimates that employee claims for workplace mental injury have increased as much as 700 percent in five years and cost the economy almost $30 billion annually due to absenteeism, reduced workplace performance, and benefit costs.
With these statistics in mind, the Canadian Mental Health Association in partnership with the Conference Board of Canada, are holding the Workplace Mental Health 2011 conference in Toronto on June 20 and 21, 2011.
Topics covered at the conference include original research and case studies of best practice; how to improve employee mental health; bringing mental illness out of the shadows; research on workplace mental health; employer liability; and much, much more.
Learn how to build a compelling financial case for a workplace mental health strategy. It’s simply good business.
For the complete agenda on the Mental Health Works 2011 Conference, go to www.conferenceboard.ca.