IN THIS ISSUE: Stress: The Face of a Worried Society – Investing in Mental Health in the Workplace – Removing the Barriers – Mental Health: The Ultimate Productivity Weapon – Employment Assistance Programs. Editorial: Investing in People Stress: The Face of a Worried Society We have a population of workers that is continually stressed. […]Continue readingFall 1999: Stress in the Workplace
Summer 1999: Mental Health Reform
15 years ago the countdown toward mental health reform began. Is it launch time for a new era of much needed reform in Ontario? IN THIS ISSUE: Looking Back – Moving Forward, Mental Health Reform – Mental Health Legislative Review – Who are the Drivers of Mental Health Reform? Vol. 15, No. 2 In […]Continue readingSummer 1999: Mental Health Reform
Spring 1999: Focusing on Women’s Mental Health
IN THIS ISSUE: Challenging the Gender Role Message – Examining the Gender Bias – Substance Abuse: Is It Masking the Pain? Vol. 15, No. 1 In This Issue Editorial: Defing Our Focus Focusing on Women’s Mental Health The leading cause of disability for women in our society, as many as one in four women […]Continue readingSpring 1999: Focusing on Women’s Mental Health
Winter 1999: Welcome to Our World (Wide Web)
IN THIS ISSUE: CMHA Ontario: Creating Community through Technology – Benefiting from the World Wide Web. In This Issue Editorial: Welcome to Our World (Wide Web) Benefiting from the World Wide Web Glen Dewar, a consultant at Community Resources Consultants of Toronto, shares some of the ways in which consumers are benefitting from the wealth […]Continue readingWinter 1999: Welcome to Our World (Wide Web)
Fall 1998: Homelessness – The End of the Road
IN THIS ISSUE: CMHA, Ontario Division, Homelessness Task Force – Pathways to Homelessness. In This Issue Editorial: Homelessness and Mental Health Homelessness: The End of the Road For some of our citizens who suffer from mental disorders, the street becomes their final refuge. The End of the Road An interview with Sheryl Lindsay, Program […]Continue readingFall 1998: Homelessness – The End of the Road
Summer 1998: Is Patient Freedom Being Violated?
IN THIS ISSUE: Community Treatment Orders – ACCESS: A Framework for a Community Based Mental Health Service System. Vol. 14, No. 2 Editorial: Community Treatment Orders – Addressing a Controversial Issue Community Treatment Orders Weighing the arguments we hear from Janemar Cline, President of the CMHA, Ontario Division; Dr. Stephen Connoll, Vice Chair of the Ontario […]Continue readingSummer 1998: Is Patient Freedom Being Violated?
Spring 1998: Children’s Mental Health
The Cost of Neglect – Dying to Be Thin – Child Sexual Abuse – Parenting and Mental Illness. In This Issue Editorial The Cost of Neglect Can we afford to overlook a resource that represents the strength and potential of our province? Child Sexual Abuse A disclosure of sexual abuse in a child can […]Continue readingSpring 1998: Children’s Mental Health