Recently, two outreach peer support workers from the Psychiatric Survivors Network of Elgin (PSNE) paid a visit to Canadian Mental Health Association Ontario to spread the word about the great work they are doing in their community. The PSNE is a consumer-survivor initiative in Elgin County, Ontario. The organization is dedicated to facilitating mental health education and acts as a liaison to reduce stigma for individuals with lived experience of mental health issues. One of the PSNE’s primary initiatives is a “Warmline”, which serves as a support line for individuals in non-crisis situations. The Warmline is not meant as a replacement for crisis intervention services but rather serves as an alternative for individuals who may just need to hear a warm voice from a peer who has lived through a similar experience. Staff and volunteers who answer Warmline calls have received specialized training in peer support, as well as ASIST and Ontario Peer Development Initiative training. The line is available 365 days a year from 6 p.m. to midnight.
To learn more about the PSNE, visit their website.