You Don’t Have to Suffer Alone.
IN THIS ISSUE: Setting the Stage for Disclosure – Disclosure in the Workplace – Lieutenant Governor James K. Bartleman: Finding Peace in the Present – Canadian Forces Mental Health Survey – Gaining Hope Through Disclosure.
Vol. 19, No. 3
Editorial: Talking about Mental Illness
Setting the Stage for Disclosure
Taking the first step: how a family physician can create a practice that encourages disclosure.
Disclosure in the Workplace
How do managers accommodate employees with a mental illness in the workplace while still taking care of the all important bottom line?
Finding Peace in the Present
The Hon. James K. Bartleman, 27th Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, speaks openly about his battle with depression.
Canadian Forces Mental Health Survey
Colonel Randy Boddam, Director of Mental Health Services for the Canadian Forces Health Services, calls the recent Mental Health Program Initiative undertaken by the Canadian Forces an important milestone.
Gaining Hope Through Disclosure
Just 17 years of age when he had his first psychotic break, Craig Wentzell’s willingness to disclose his illness to school friends and staff members resulted in them supporting him and helping him reach his goal.