Mental health stakeholders are invited to inform the development of a Mental Health Impact Assessment (MHIA) process initiated by the American-based Adler Institute on Social Exclusion (ISE). The MHIA tool builds on previous Adler ISE work, including “From Awareness to Action,” a 2010 conference about the social determinants of mental health. The MHIA tool will focus directly on the mental health impacts of policy.
The MHIA builds on the Health Impact Assessment (HIA) model, which involves a set of actions taken to identify the potential and unidentified impacts of policies, programs and activities on the health of a given population, as well as actions to respond to these effects. The Adler ISE assessment process will include a focus on mental health, but will also be applicable to a wide-range of social policy and program areas.
A discussion forum is being established to facilitate stakeholder participation in this process. The forum will enable the sharing of ideas and information about best practices, events and resources.
For more information, contact the Adler Institute for Social Exclusion by e-mail at
For information about the 2010 conference, visit