The Excellence through Quality Improvement Project (E-QIP) is a Quality Improvement program focused on leadership and capacity building co-led by Addictions and Mental Health Ontario (AMHO) and the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Ontario. E-QIP is funded by and delivered in collaboration with the Mental Health and Addictions Centre of Excellence (MHA CoE) at Ontario Health. E-QIP promotes and supports the use of evidence-based assessment tools to do quality improvement (QI) and aims to improve mental health and addiction care in the community by:
- Building QI and data capacity to support MHA organizations develop and embed a culture of quality improvement;
- Providing resources and supports that guide organizations in aligning their QI and measurement activities to system and regional level priorities;
- Supporting the MHA sector to broaden understanding and consistent use of standardized tools and datasets, and;
- Working closely with the CoE to advance regional and provincial level priorities in the MHA sector.
E-QIP works collaboratively with system partners to foster a data driven approach to improving care in the community mental health and addiction sector and to support the implementation of The Roadmap to Wellness.
Through E-QIP, the community mental health and addiction sector is taking steps forward in ensuring that clients and families are provided with the best possible services and outcomes when receiving care and support from community mental health and addiction agencies. The project also will ensure that the dedicated and skilled services providers are supported to improve the quality of services offered to clients through education, training and resources.
E-QIP, launched in March 2016, is working to enhance sector-wide quality improvement capacity by delivering quality improvement, governance and leadership training; implementing quality improvement and data coaching support, including the use of provincial data sets for QI; and creating a virtual community of practice that will facilitates knowledge translation, sustainability and spread regarding quality improvement and data collection within the community mental health and addiction sector.
To learn more about E-QIP, visit the website: