The public policy department of Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Ontario Division informs provincial policy, planning and service delivery with a goal to make mental health possible for all.
The department focuses on the following key areas:
Analyze: We provide stakeholders with reliable analysis of provincial mental health and addictions policy, system planning and service delivery.
Mobilize: We increase action, collaborate, coordinate, and exchange knowledge between the multiple sectors and stakeholders that impact on provincial mental health policy, planning and service delivery.
Educate: We increase awareness of key sector evidence that impacts on mental health policy, planning and service.
Advocate: We work to strategically advance systemic issues that impact people with lived experience of mental illnesses and addictions.
Champion: We engage and champion the work of the community mental health and addictions sector and CMHA branches.
Contact us to ask about partnerships to create positive change in Ontario’s mental health and addictions sector.