Evidence Exchange Network (EENet) is delighted to announce the second year of its Communities of Interest (CoIs) initiative. Last year, EENet supported 14 CoIs, and this year, the network is pleased to award support to 12. Renewed funding from the Drug Treatment Funding Program has helped make this possible. The network has also partnered with the Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health to support three CoIs focused on child and youth mental health and addictions.
The current crop of CoIs, which includes some returning communities, will receive seed funds (up to $4,500), knowledge broker support, access to technological resources and the communication vehicles of EENet and its partners, and other network resources. Among them are the Racialized Populations and Mental Health and Addictions CoI (led by CMHA – Ontario) and Peer Support in Mental Health and Addictions (led by CMHA – Waterloo Wellington Dufferin: The Self Help Alliance).
For more information visit the EENet website.
Read CMHA Ontario’s response to EENet’s CoI funding.