The BC Centre for Employment Excellence is a division of the Social Research Demonstration Corporation and is located in Vancouver. Funded by Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) and the BC government under the Canada-BC Labour Market Agreement, it was created to provide research and knowledge for the needs of the employment services sector as well as employers in the province of British Columbia.
Its mission is to, “Provide a single coordination point for research to connect both the BC employment services sector and the employer community with the best and emerging information about employment and training programs, practices and resources.”
In pursuit of that mission, the Centre also provides a website that:
- Hosts a community of practice to share learnings from the employment sector,
- Provides a knowledge clearinghouse which provides links to the best and promising practices,
- Provides research to support the knowledge and practice of career practitioners across British Columbia.
The Ontario Social Assistance Review Report recommended that Ontario look to the BC Centre for Employment Excellence as a suggested model for this province.
You can check out the BC Centre for Employment Excellence by clicking here .