Mental health is the focus of a $50 million multi-year community investment by the Canadian communications company Bell. This national charitable initiative will focus on four areas of action: anti-stigma, community care and access, workplace health, and research.
In the anti-stigma area, Bell has announced the development of a campaign to raise awareness about mental health across Canada each year. The Bell Let’s Talk campaign will be championed by Olympian Clara Hughes. Among the activities is the Bell Let’s Talk Day, February 9, 2011, when Bell will donate five cents for every text message and long distance call made by Bell customers.
In the area of community care and access, Bell announced its first major hospital gift to the Royal Ottawa Hospital, donating $1 million to expand the telepsychiatry program. Bell is also in discussion with several other health care institutions for future gifts and will be launching a grant for smaller community organizations.
Mary Deacon, former chief executive officer of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Foundation, will lead the Bell mental health initiative.
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