The Best Start Resource Centre (BSRC) supports service providers in Ontario to implement effective health promotion programs for expectant and new parents, newborns and young children. BSRC provides information and consultations in English and French to service providers on a wide range of topics, including health before pregnancy, pregnancy (e.g., prenatal education, teen pregnancy/parenting), maternal health (e.g., postpartum mood disorders, reproductive health of newcomers) and issues related to child health (e.g., physical activity and the early years, attachment, healthy child development). On-site consultations are intensive, in-depth sessions that can help a service provider work on a specific issue. Requests for on-site consultations are reviewed every six months and a decision is made within four weeks. The deadline for on-site services from April 2011 to September 2011 is December 1, 2010.The deadline for services from October 2011 to March 2012 is June 1, 2011. For more information about how to request an on-site consultation and how to receive immediate support from BSRC, visit