A new learning package is now available to promote greater understanding of the civil rights of people who use mental health and addictions services in Ontario. The package, which includes a 42-minute DVD and discussion guide, was developed by the Empowerment Council and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) Client Relations Office.
The DVD portrays different scenarios through which a client navigates the psychiatric system. Each scene focuses on a particular client right. The package is designed for clients using psychiatric or addictions services, as well as for mental health and disability rights advocates, service providers, students, and hospital and agency administrators who are interested in developing a bill of rights for their own organizations.
For more information about the package or the CAMH Bill of Client Rights, e-mail Lucy Costa at lucy_costa@camh.net, or CAMH Client Relations at client_relations@camh.net. The package can be ordered through the CAMH online store at store.camh.net.
The CAMH Bill of Client Rights is available at www.camh.net.