To support dialogue and discussion among organizations serving people with mental illnesses, Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario hosts CMHA Connects which is a multisite network designed to support collaboration and knowledge sharing. The Mental Health Employment Supports Network (MHESN) is one of many discussion groups created on CMHA Connects and provides a forum for sharing information on employment support issues, services and developments in Ontario. The key role of MHESN is to raise awareness, discuss current issues, post news and events and share information on employment supports services impacting people living with mental illnesses in Ontario.
To get started, new members must register on CMHA Connects to create a user account. After the account has been activated, members of the CMHA Connects community with special interest in employment and training for people with mental disabilities can request membership in the MHESN discussion group. Membership of MHESN is open to organizations in Ontario that deliver employment supports services for people with a mental illness.
For further information on the MHESN please contact: Zahir Din at