In June 2014, CMHA Ontario released a revamped map of the Adult Criminal Justice and Mental Health Systems. This map was originally created in 2009 as part of the CMHA Ontario Network issue on Forensic Mental Health (see page 14). The new map provides an overview of the various pathways through the criminal justice and mental health systems with a focus on where these two systems intersect. Although this map provides a general overview, it is important to note that each individual’s case can be different and not all journeys through these systems are reflected in this map. The aim of this new resource is to assist individuals who have come into contact with the law and may be appearing before the court, as well as their families and others who support them, to navigate the two systems. While this map looks at adults aged 18 or older, there is also a youth map which was created by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health that looks at youth aged 12 to 17.
The creation of these two maps marks the first step towards the development of a comprehensive set of resources for individuals who have come into contact with the law and their families as well as service providers who work at the intersection of the criminal justice and mental health systems. Stay tuned for a companion booklet and a series of webinars that will provide further context and details for each step through these systems.
View the Adult Criminal Justice & Mental Health Systems Map in English.
View the Adult Criminal Justice & Mental Health Systems Map in French.
View the Youth Criminal Justice & Mental Health Systems Map in English.
View the Youth Criminal Justice & Mental Health Systems Map in French.