CMHA Ontario responds to Chief Medical Officer’s recommendations on substance use
The following is a statement from Camille Quenneville, CEO, Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario Division, in reaction to the Chief Medical Officer of Health’s 2023 annual report:
“The recommendations in the Chief Medical Officer of Health’s annual report do not come as a surprise for those of us who work in the substance use health and addictions sector. The impact of substance use extends to all of society and as such warrants a comprehensive response. In particular, our sector has been sounding the alarm on the rising number of overdoses across the province for some time. The opioid toxicity crisis in this province has led to more than 3,600 preventable deaths in Ontario in 2023 and more than 15,000 since 2013.
Opioid-related harms affect many members of our community, including workers in construction, mining, oil and gas. The impact of this crisis is devastating to victims and their families. We support Dr. Moore’s recommendation to establish a comprehensive strategy to address and reduce opioid-related harms – including increasing access to consumption and treatment services and evidence-based safer supply programs, which have been shown to prevent unnecessary deaths. Expanding harm reduction treatment and integrating access to these services in shelter and housing supports will provide the necessary care required to help our most vulnerable populations.
Dr. Moore’s careful consideration of the substance use health issues in our province also highlights the complexity of the clients served by the community mental health and addictions sector every day. Providing pathways to health, rehabilitation, and recovery support requires sufficient infrastructure funding to provide quality care. Adequately resourcing the mental health and addictions sector is the first step in ensuring we protect the health and safety of our communities.”
About Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Ontario is a not-for-profit, charitable organization. We work to improve the lives of all Ontarians through leadership, collaboration and continual pursuit of excellence in community-based mental health and addictions services. Our vision is a society that embraces and invests in the mental health of all people. We are a trusted advisor to government, contributing to health systems development through policy formulation and recommendations that promote positive mental health.
For more information, contact:
Elham Bidgoli
Director, Communications
Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario