(Monday, March 3, 2014) – Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Ontario CEO Camille Quenneville was pleased to present to the Ontario legislature’s Standing Committee on Social Policy on March 3, 2014. The Committee has been listening to stakeholders around the province as it conducts its review of the Local Health System Integration Act. Quenneville told the Committee that she wasn’t there to speak about the decision to create the Local Health Integration Networks, but rather focus her comments on the existing structure and offer observations about how the CMHA branches across Ontario work with the LHINs.
“In part, due to the fact that we are representing 31 branches across 14 LHINs, it is perhaps not surprising that experiences differ. We would like to highlight what has worked particularly well, and offer up some areas where there is some room for improvement which we hope will assist you in your deliberations,” Quenneville told the Committee.
Quenneville’s presentation mirrored the contents of the Act itself, providing comment on Community Engagement, Funding, Accountability and Integration. She also provided further thoughts on Quality Improvement and Governance issues as well as reflecting on recommendations contained in the Drummond Report, which has been referenced in earlier presentations to the Standing Committee.
Read CMHA Ontario CEO Camille Quenneville’s presentation to the Ontario legislature’s Standing Committee on Social Policy.
About CMHA Ontario
Founded in 1952, the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Ontario, is a non-profit, charitable organization committed to making mental health possible for all. CMHA Ontario works closely with its 31 branches in communities across the province to ensure quality delivery of services to consumers and families of individuals with mental illness, dual diagnosis and concurrent disorders. CMHA Ontario contributes knowledge, resources and skills to provincial policy development and implementation. We promote mental health in collaboration with others. We further equitable access to mental health services and champion the reduction of mental health disparities.
For more information, contact:
Joe Kim
Director, Communications
CMHA Ontario
416-977-5580 ext 4141
cell: 416-457-9694
email: jkim@ontario.cmha.ca