CMHA Toronto’s efforts to help LGBTQ populations has received much deserved public profile in the journal, Social Work in Mental Health. The article Toward Transformative Practice: Facilitating Access and Barrier-Free Services With LGBTTIQQ2SA Populations features work undertaken by CMHA Toronto’s Early Psychosis Intervention Program (MOD Team) to make the branch’s services more accessible to LGBTQ youth.
Here is an excerpt from the article:
“The experiences of people of diverse gender identities, gender expressions, and sexual orientations have resulted in unique mental health service needs, requiring affirming and appropriate services that do not participate in the reproduction of Othering through labeling and stigmatization. The strong relationship between institutionalized oppression, school victimization, discrimination, LGBTTIQQ2SA-directed violence, and mental health issues highlight the complexities that demand critical reflection and reflexivity in order to transform mental health services beyond discursive or rhetorical changes. This article explores a summary of the findings and achievements in this journey toward transformation as well as lessons learned, recommendations for similar initiatives, and questions for future research and practice.”
Read the article.