A new report by the Partnership Council on Employment Opportunities urges the Ontario government to eliminate policy barriers and allow more people with disabilities to permanently enter the workforce.
The report encourages the province to lead by example by promoting the hiring of people with disabilities in the Ontario Public Service.
The Partnership Council, which is mandated to provide strategic advice to the Ontario Minister of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure to enhance employment opportunities for Ontarians with disabilities, recently presented its Initial Report to the Minister. The report contains a number of recommendations, including calling on the government to create strong strategic leadership by appointing a Cabinet Minister and a dedicated Deputy Minister to develop a cross-ministry strategic plan for people with disabilities. The report encourages the province to lead by example by promoting the hiring of people with disabilities in the Ontario Public Service (OPS).
The report also recommends engagement strategies concerning youth with disabilities to ensure that young people gain access to the labour market. These strategies include working with businesses to effect cultural change, promoting the benefits of hiring people with disabilities, and improving tools to make it easier for businesses to comply with Ontario’s regulations under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.
For more information on the Partnership Council’s recommendations, visit the Government of Ontario’s website.