On October 13 and 14, 2011 the Evidence Exchange Network (EENet) and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, with support from the Ontario Federation of Community Mental Health and Addiction Programs, hosted the launch of the Drug Treatment Funding Program (DTFP), Ontario Systems Projects in Toronto. Read “Introducing Ontario’s Drug Treatment Funding Program” (Mental Health Notes, August 11, 2011), available at www.ontario.cmha.ca/mhn, to learn more about DTFP.
The event was well attended with over 100 stakeholders (including project teams and advisory groups, policymakers, planners, practitioners and people with lived experience) participating in workshops designed to build capacity and identify knowledge exchange needs for the initiatives.
The following presentations from the event can be found on www.ontariodtfp.ca, as well as information about the Ontario Systems Projects and the overall initiative.
- “Developing and Implementing an Evaluation Framework for DTFP,” by Ontario DTFP Evaluator Sanjeev Sridharan, the Evaluation Centre for Complex Health Interventions, St. Michael’s Hospital
- “Drug Treatment Funding Program: Ontario Systems Projects,” by the DTFP Ontario Systems Projects Leads
To receive updates about the DTFP Ontario Systems Projects, please subscribe to the quarterly newsletter by emailing keri_west@camh.net.