E-Health is working to ensure health care providers will be able to share electronic health information for Greater Toronto Area (GTA) residents, who represent 47 percent of Ontario’s population. Currently, electronic health information is stored in system silos, causing delays, duplication of tests and extra cost. Because of the ConnectingGTA project, it won’t be long before all 700 service providers across the five GTA Local Health Integrated Networks (LHINs) are connected under a single “electronic roof”. The E-Health project will enable patient information to securely flow from one service provider to another within the system.
This should lead to patients receiving better, faster and more coordinated health care from their providers – and providers will be able to share information more effectively. Patients and providers will benefit from improved productivity, more timely treatment and a reduction in unnecessary tests which will save time and money.
Initially, priority patient data such as clinical reports, diagnostic images, drug information, and lab test results will be shared. In later stages, major technology pieces will be put in place to help providers access and exchange information. The first phase of ConnectingGTA will be completed in 2013.
For more information go to “Connecting Electronic Health Information for GTA residents” at www.health.gov.on.ca.