On October 13, 2011 Health Canada (HC) announced that it is reviewing the use of the antidepressant citalopram, when prescribed in doses of 60 milligrams or more per day. Citalopram is sold under a number of names, including the bran name Celexa. A new study suggests that high doses of Celexa can affect the electrical activity of the heart, potentially leading to serious and/or fatal heart arrhythmias.
The recommended daily dose of Celexa in Canada is 20 milligrams per day however physicians sometimes prescribe higher doses for patients who aren’t responding to lower dosage levels.
Health Canada cautions people from stopping their medication or lowering their medication dosage on their own, if they are currently taking Celexa. HC does advise people to contact their healthcare provider, particularly if they experience abnormal heart beats, shortness of breath, dizziness or fainting.
To read the Health Canada advisory on this review, go to www.hc-sc.gc.ca.