Healthy Minds Canada (HMC) is seeking applications from organizations and school boards interested in hosting a Youth Summit. The Youth Summits are modeled after the anti-stigma “Talking About Mental Illness” (TAMI) program, that uses trained youth speakers with lived mental health experience sharing their personal stories with other young people. TAMI was developed by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and is currently being delivered in partnership with schools and community agencies across Ontario.
Community partners interested in hosting a Youth Summit, and who are approved, would be eligible for up to $5,000 in funding.
Healthy Minds Canada is a national charitable foundation that has funded almost 400 research projects in universities and teaching hospitals across Canada.
To get an information kit and application form for the Youth Summits, contact Pierina Cincinnato, Healthy Minds Event Coordinator or call her at (416) 351-7757, ext. 21.