Making Connections training is about developing a common understanding about domestic violence and co-occurring mental health and/or substance use problems in women. Making Connections contains a full curriculum including a text manual, online modules and discussion forum, and a full day, cross-sectoral workshop for frontline professionals. Local training across Ontario will help participants share their expertise and resources with those working in other sectors, and work to reduce barriers for women who experience these co-occurring issues. Responsibility for planning, outreach, and registration for the workshop is shared between a local community liaison and Susan O’Rinn, the Making Connections project coordinator in Toronto. The local liaison is responsible for outreach activities to ensure the workshop brings together frontline workers from the local violence against women, mental health and substance use treatment sectors. Once your community has identified a community liaison, Ms. O’Rinn will support the delivery of a successful training.
To indicate your interest in hosting a workshop for the spring, summer or fall 2013, or to get more information about Making Connections,