Mood Walks is a province-wide initiative that promotes physical activity in nature, or “green exercise,” as a way to improve both physical and mental health. Led by CMHA Ontario, in partnership with Hike Ontario and Conservation Ontario, Mood Walks provides training and support for community mental health agencies, social service organizations and other community partners to launch educational hiking programs, connect with local resources, find volunteers, and explore nearby trails and green spaces. The next phase of our project, Mood Walks for Youth in Transition, will build capacity to support youth who are at risk of, or experiencing, mental health issues.
Interested in hosting a Mood Walks group, or partnering with a Mood Walks group in your community? A call for expressions of interest to participate in Mood Walks for Youth in Transition will be announced on November 2. To be notified when the call for expressions of interest is released, sign up for the Mood Walks newsletter.
To find out more about the application process and the resources provided by Mood Walks, join us for a free, one-hour webinar on Monday, November 9, at 11 am.
For webinar registration details and to join the Mood Walks mailing list, visit