The Ministry of Community and Social Services has recently provided information for anyone who is currently receiving, or is applying for Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) payments in the event of a postal strike. Be advised that:
- ODSP payments, drug and dental cards for May have already been mailed and should arrive on time;
- If May ODSP cheques have not arrived and Canada Post is on strike, people must contact their local office, so a replacement cheque can be issued;
- If new drug and dental cards have not been received and Canada Post is on strike, people can continue to use their drug and dental cards received with their April payment until receive new ones are received;
- In the event of a strike, people are still required to report earnings or changes to their circumstances. Forms can be picked-up and dropped-off at their local ODSP office;
- Canada Post has offered to deliver social assistance cheques during a strike. Please note that this offer does NOT apply to ODSP and Ontario Works cheques;
- People are advised NOT to mail in any forms for ODSP if Canada Post is on strike, as this will delay the application. Instead, forms or other social assistance documents should be brought directly to a local office;
- In the event of a prolonged strike, people should contact their local ODSP office to find out where they need to go to pick-up their cheque in June;
- If people are not on direct bank deposit, they are encouraged to sign up for it before June 16 to avoid potential delays or having to wait in line to pick up their cheques;
- If landlords and utility companies normally receive their money as part of a person’s payment, they will need to contact the local ODSP office so a replacement cheque can be issued.