A new report from the Community Mental Health Common Assessment Project (CMH CAP) summarizes the lessons that were learned from the implementation of the pilot phase of the Ontario Common Assessment of Need (OCAN) in the North East Local Health Integration Network (NE LHIN). OCAN is a standardized, consumer-led decision-making tool that measures consumer needs, as opposed to symptoms. It is intended to make data collection and sharing of information consistent and more accessible for mental health organizations in Ontario by producing a centralized database of service user information. The NE LHIN OCAN implementation pilot is the second stage of the Phase II pilot of the CMH CAP.
The evaluation found that the LHIN-based approach to assessment provided a good foundation for structuring implementation and the LHIN-by-LHIN approach to implementation was successful. The tool was shown to be scalable across the province, with only minimal changes from the initial pilot phase. The report also shares lessons learned about communications and change management strategies, business process strategies, vendor approaches, and the French-language version of OCAN. Next steps to be taken as OCAN expands out to other LHINs across the province are also presented. Highlights from findings documented in the evaluation of OCAN in consumer/survivor initiatives and in Aboriginal mental health programs in the NE LHIN are also included.
See “Lessons Learned Summary Report: North East LHIN OCAN Implementation Pilot,” June 2010, available atwww.ccim.on.ca/cmha/ocan.