The Local Health Integrated Network Collaborative (LHINC) is an Ontario provincial advisory body formed by the LHINs in 2009 to strengthen relationships with health service providers, their associations and LHINs collectively on system-wide issues. LHINC established a Working Group (WG) on mental health and addictions in April 2010 for the purposes of providing practical, consistent provincial advice on improving access to care for people with lived experience and methods to measure and track the changes. Members of the group represent the geographic diversity of the province as well as service provider sectors across Ontario. Through surveys, interaction with provincial groups and literature reviews, the WG developed an understanding of the issues around mental health and addictions.
Earlier this year, the Working Group also held an intensive one-day Think Tank event with participation by service providers, researchers and advocates from across the province. Participants were selected to obtain a broad balance of perspectives and to retain the focus on people with lived experience. The group was kept small to ensure that robust discussion could occur amongst all participants.
The WG’s report, “Through the Door” contains practical steps and approaches that can be used across Ontario, to improve the transition experience for people with lived experience. Screening criteria for the recommendations specified that they were:
- Not setting-specific (so they could be applied in any location);
- Should be function-oriented;
- Should also be person-centred;
- Consistent with the focus on improving transitions
In all, 17 recommendations are included in the report, along with the definition of success for each one. A high-level implementation plan for the short, medium and long term rollout for the recommendations is also presented.
The report is currently being distributed to Working Group and Think Tank members for review and further discussion.
To find out more information about the LHIN Collaborative and its activities, go to