Registration is now open for the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s consensus conference on November 2-4, 2015 in Ottawa. The conference will focus on removing barriers that can prevent successful transition from child and youth to adult mental health services. The conference will explore four key themes:
- Defining emerging adulthood as a stage of life
- Bridging the gap between child, youth, and adult mental health and addiction services
- Transitions across service systems
- Mechanisms for improving mental health system responsiveness
The conference aims to bring together emerging adults, caregivers, policy makers, researchers, mental health organizations, and clinicians from across Canada to generate recommendations that point the way forward for a more seamless continuum of mental health and addiction services for emerging adults. Using the consensus conference format, a jury will hear all the evidence and discussion throughout the conference and release a policy statement on the final day. This statement will be widely distributed to decision-makers, providers, and service users.
For information on jury members and a preliminary agenda, please visit the Mental Health Commission of Canada website.