The Ontario Psychiatric Outreach Program (OPOP) is funded by the Ontario government’s Underserviced Areas Program to provide clinical services through outreach, distance‐based clinical and support services via telepsychiatry, and educational services to participating communities. It also exposes undergraduate and postgraduate medical students to rural and remote practice settings. Since OPOP was established in 1999, there have been several developments in mental health reform which have also influenced the delivery of mental health services. In response to an external review, OPOP partnered with the Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research at Laurentian University to conduct a research project and develop a report to document the service delivery model(s) employed by OPOP.
EENet developed a Research Report Round-up of this report, which presents research results focusing on psychiatric outreach consultants. You can read it on the EENet website.
Research Report Round-ups are brief summaries of research reports, presented in a user-friendly format.