On May 12, 2014, the Provincial Human Service and Justice Coordinating Committee (HSJCC) held a webinar titled “Moving the Wheels of Justice: Communication about Mental Health within the Courthouse.” The webinar was presented by Dr. Julian Gojer, a Forensic Psychiatrist on staff at the Toronto Western Hospital. Dr. Gojer also sits on the Ontario Review Board and works at the St. Lawrence Valley Correctional and Treatment Centre in Brockville, Ontario. This is a unique, one of a kind jail in Canada that operates similarly to a psychiatric hospital. If you missed the webinar, or would like to view it again, the recording has been posted in two parts:
Moving the Wheels of Justice Recording Part 1
Moving the Wheels of Justice Recording Part 2
For your convenience, the slides are also posted on the HSJCC website.
While on the HSJCC website, please note there are several other webinars available for you to access.
If you attended the Moving the Wheels of Justice webinar, please don’t forget to complete the very short Evaluation available online.