Expressions of interest to participate in Mood Walks for Youth in Transition are now being accepted. Mood Walks promotes both physical and mental wellness by reducing barriers and creating new opportunities for young people to be physically active and get outside.
During the 2016 hiking season, 20 organizations across the province, working in collaboration with diverse community partners in both urban and rural settings, will receive training and support to launch a 10-week educational walking program for young people at risk of, or experiencing, mental health issues.
Deadline for applications for lead organizations is Nov. 30 at 4 p.m. Successful organizations will be announced December 2015.
Interested in partnering or volunteering with a Mood Walks group? We’re looking for student leaders, hiking clubs, sponsors, urban parks staff, and other organizations that can support the Mood Walks project. Read the Partnership Guide on the Mood Walks website, fill in the partnership application form and let us know how you’d like to contribute.
Mood Walks is a CMHA Ontario initiative, in partnership with Hike Ontario and Conservation Ontario, with support from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport.
For more information on the program and how to get involved, see the Call for Expressions of Interest at