On June 3, the federal government announced support for anti-bullying initiatives by investing $250,000 in a Red Cross programme that will train 2,400 Canadian youth to deliver workshops on anti-bullying. Each of the youth will in turn train at least 20 additional people each, for a total of nearly 50,000 youth leaders. Youth-led anti-bullying workshops will also be given in Ontario, British Columbia and the Maritimes in order to reach more young people. These programmes have gained heightened public attention due to the increasing number of deaths by suicide among youth bullied by their peers. It is hoped that they will empower youth to engage other youth, and give them the tools to stand up against bullying.
The Honourable James Moore, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages announced funding for the “Stand Up to Bullying and Discrimination in Canadian Communities” project which will flow through the Youth Take Charge” program of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
See the news release, “Minister Moore Announces Support for Youth-Led Anti-bullying Project” available on the Red Cross website.
See also, “Putting teens in leadership roles to fight bullying,” available on the Globe and Mail website.