The National Network for Mental Health (NNMH) is a national consumer-driven organization that promotes social justice and human rights through projected-based initiatives, such as the employment initiative BIULT Network. One hundred per cent of all of the board members, staff and individual voting members are mental health consumers and/or survivors. NNMH has recently begun implementation of their new strategic plan. In light of a dwindling presence in recent years, two of their key initiatives include:
- Growing the organization through active membership recruitment
- Strengthening its role as the only non-diagnostic mental health consumer/survivor organization in Canada
The Mission of NNMH is to, “Promote hope and recovery for everyone. By working closely with the membership, and by forging partnerships and alliances, NNMH will promote social justice, human rights, and help capture and amplify a strong, unified voice of consumers in influencing decisions which affect them and enhance their quality of life.”
You can read NNMH’s strategic plan, “Rallying the Troops” on theNNMH website.
To become a member of NNMH (individual membership is free and all names are confidential), go to the NNMH website.