The impact of suicide can extend beyond friends and family to classmates, colleagues, and the community at large. While each situation is unique, it is estimated that for each loss by suicide approximately 15 to 30 people are deeply impacted.
For children and youth, this may be the first loss that they have experienced, making it particularly shocking and impactful. A Canadian study found that by ages 16 or 17, about a quarter of youth knew someone who died by suicide.
To help ensure that individuals and communities have the support they need, the Ontario Youth Suicide Prevention Life Promotion Collaborative has developed Postvention across settings and sectors: A resource for community-based service providers. Postvention is an organized response in the aftermath of a suicide to best facilitate the healing of individuals from the grief and distress of the loss of a loved one to suicide, prevent suicide among people who are at high risk, and mitigate other negative effects after exposure to the event.
The objectives of this guide are to:
- Enhance community-based child and youth service providers’ understanding of postvention work
- Help organizations to consider their role in responding to a death by suicide
- Outline different postvention activities and things to keep in mind when supporting those bereaved by suicide
- Share additional resources and templates to support postvention work
The new resource is intended for those working in sectors that support children and young people, with the recognition that a whole community postvention effort helps ensure wider reach and support.
Ontario Youth Suicide Prevention Life Promotion Collaborative aims to ensure Ontario’s children and youth and those who support them have access to the latest evidence-informed, practical knowledge to effectively guide and help integrate efforts in youth suicide prevention and life promotion. To download the new resource and find out more about the Collaborative’s work, please visit