Looking for work in the tech sector can be daunting, especially if you are a newcomer, refugee, or part of an equity-seeking group in Canada. Once you land that dream job, the journey doesn’t stop there – thriving in your new role is just as crucial.
To address this, CMHA’s Mental Health Works, in partnership with Lighthouse Labs, is excited to offer “Strategies for promoting mental wellness” training.
This training is available at no cost to eligible applicants thanks to the ICT Boost initiative – a program funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program (SWSP).
These workshops aim not only to assist you in securing a job in the tech sector but also to flourish once you are there.
About Lighthouse Labs:
Lighthouse Labs is a Canadian-based tech education company specializing in data science, cyber security, and web development. This has allowed them to achieve a great result for their students: an 87% employment rate (Pandemic era findings) for job-seeking graduates within 180 days.
The first two sessions are just around the corner:
- September 27 – 3:30-5:00pm EST Register Here
- October 11 – 5:30-7pm EST Register Here
During the sessions, you will learn about the different aspects of holistic personal health that contribute to workplace wellness. You will learn how to maintain wellness using the eight dimensions of wellness and positive coping strategies. You will also learn about the six work-related mismatches that can impact wellness at work. At the end of the workshop, you will be provided with a list of mental health supports and resources.
Slots are limited to ensure active participation and engagement.
So, if you are ready to empower your professional journey with the right tools for mental wellness, now is the time to act.
Register now!