The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is providing Ontarians with an opportunity to provide the government input on the Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy. The Ministry is engaging with the public and partners across government to inform this strategy. Organizations and individuals across the province are encouraged to become familiar with the consultation process by downloading the Consultation Discussion Guide and sharing your ideas with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The Consultation Discussion Guide outlines the progress of the current strategy, future goals and areas where more input from partners is needed.
To shape the discussion, the Ministry has highlighted four key themes that will guide the update of the Long- Term Affordable Housing Strategy:
- Theme 1: A Sustainable Supply of Affordable Housing
- Theme 2: A Fair System of Housing Assistance
- Theme 3: Co-ordinated, Accessible Support Services
- Theme 4: Evidence and Best Practices
The consultation guide includes key questions for each theme. Participants are encouraged to frame their responses in the context of these questions.
Participants can submit their views to the government online, by telephone or in writing by July 3, 2015. The Ministry can also be contacted by e-mail as follows: