The Provincial Human Services and Justice Coordinating Committee (HSJCC) is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 2015 HSJCC Conference! The conference will be held in Toronto from November 16 through to November 18, 2015 at the Marriott Eaton Centre (525 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario). Titled Mobilizing Community: Promoting Resiliency, Sustaining Recovery, and Restoring Justice, the conference features presentations providing innovative workshops that will enhance, complement and expand the services and systems in place. All presentations will be focusing on community mobilization through promoting resiliency, sustaining recovery and restoring justice. Keynote speakers feature representatives from forensic psychiatry, community mental health and addictions agencies, and the justice system, as well as individuals with lived experience. All keynote and workshop information can be found on the 2015 HSJCC Conference website. The fee for attending the 3 day conference will be $395.00 with 1 & 2 day attendance options also available.
To register for the event, please visit the 2015 HSJCC Conference registration website. Accommodations can be booked at the Toronto Marriott Downtown Eaton Centre Hotel. Should you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact Sherry Sim, Event Manager, at 1-866-655-8548 or by email at We invite everyone to share the conference website and registration link with your networks and to those that may be interested in attending.
For more information, download the conference flyer or the complete conference package.