Workman Arts presents the 2010 Rendezvous with Madness Film Festival, running November 5-13 in Toronto. Over 20 programs of feature and short films explore the mysteries of the mind, and the facts and mythologies surrounding mental illness and addiction.
The nine-day festival begins with an opening night reception and screening of the film Repeaters, a fictional story of recovering addicts, followed by a discussion with the filmmaker and starring actor. Each program of films over the course of the festival includes a thematic, moderated post-screening panel discussion, including filmmakers, people living with experience of the issue, a health care professional and a special interest person. This year’s Rendezvous with Madness will include screenings of the films Prisoner of Her Past, about late-onset post-traumatic stress disorder,The August Years of May and Gloria, about a mother and daughter coping with Alzheimer’s disease, and Killer Queen, a French production dealing with gambling addiction.
For more information about the Rendezvous with Madness festival, including the full program and ticket reservations, visit
The Rendezvous in the Classroom program for youth addresses mental illness through film and discussion with people with personal and professional experience of mental illness. This year’s sessions will include the Oscar award-winning film Ryan, and the Taiwanese film Invisible Loneliness. The program runs November 8-12, with two daily sessions. Teachers are encouraged to bring students to the youth program; reservations are presently being confirmed. For information about the youth program, and to make reservations, contact Jennyfer or Joanne Smale by e-mail at or call 647-346-4101.