Recognizing the ever-increasing demands for healthcare reform, PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited and MASS LBP firm have jointly commissioned and produced a report that gives voice to the public’s perception on sustainable healthcare.
The report, “Public Priorities for Ontario’s Health System – a report of the Citizen’s Reference Panel on Ontario Health Services” is the culmination of work done by a panel that consisted of 28 Ontario residents – one male and one female – from each of the 14 Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs). Participants were chosen through a civic lottery that reached 10,000 Ontario households. Participants on the panel met for three weekends in Toronto between April and June 2011.
The Citizen’s Reference Panel reached consensus in 13 areas including:
- Navigation
- Access and timeliness
- Patients as partners
- Primary care
- Integration
- Information sharing, eHealth and privacy
- Accountability and incentives
- Community care
- Communication
- Language
- Disease prevention and health promotion
- Pharmaceuticals
- Mental health and addiction (there were five specific recommendations made in the area of mental health and addiction)
To read the report, go to