Depression affects at least one-third of HIV-positive adults. HIV-positive immigrants, however, may be at an even greater risk of developing depression because of additional stressors that are unique to their context.
Ontario researchers recently investigated the influence that stressors have on depressive symptoms among HIV-positive Canadian immigrants. They also considered how different coping strategies might help newcomers deal with their stress and improve their mental wellbeing.
Ultimately, what the researchers found – that HIV symptom distress is linked to depression – may interest those clinicians who are working on the mental health and coping strategies of HIV-positive immigrants.
To get the full story, check out EENet’s new Research Snapshot of the article, “Depressive symptoms, Stress and Resources Among Adult Immigrants Living with HIV,” by Marianne S. Noh, Sergio Rueda, Tsegaye Bekele, Haile Fenta, Sandra Gardner, Hayley Hamilton, Trevor A. Hart, Samuel Noh, and Sean B. Rourke. The article appeared in the Journal of Immigrant Minority Health, vol. 14, no. 3 (2012): 405-12. The Snapshot is available here.
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