Exposure to second-hand smoke from tobacco use can cause a number of negative health effects for children. This highlights the importance for physicians to advise parents who smoke about the health risks their children are exposed to, and to assist in efforts to reduce or quit smoking. Researchers in Ontario looked at how tobacco-related education influenced the extent to which physicians made such efforts.
EENet has developed a Research Snapshot of their article, C. Victor et al, “Tobacco-related medical education and physician interventions with parents who smoke: Survey of Canadian family physicians and pediatricians”, Canadian Family Physician, vol.56, no. 2, 157-163 (2010). The Snapshot is available at www.ehealthontario.ca.
Research Snapshots are brief, clear language summaries of research articles presented in a user-friendly format. To read EENet’s clear language summary of this and other articles, visit the EENet website at www.ehealthontario.ca.