The widespread use of Internet blogs has created a unique space for hearing from young people. Few studies, however, have looked at these blogs to gain a better picture of the experiences of young people with mental health problems – until now.
Taking an innovative approach, researchers in Toronto studied the blogs of young adults, 18 to 25 years of age, who were blogging about their experiences with mental health problems. Their findings may help inform interventions and outreach efforts.
EENet has developed a Research Snapshot of the article, “What are young adults saying about mental health? An analysis of internet blogs,” by Madalyn A. Marcus and others. It was originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol. 14, no. 1 (2012). The study was supported by Mobilizing Minds: Pathways to Young Adult Mental Health, a multi-year, multi-province knowledge mobilization research project that focuses on young adult mental health.
The Snapshot is available at
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